Vote of NO Confidence Ad
On Friday, November 11, 2005, the Holland Teachers unanimously voted in support of the following motion...
See the add here.
This blog will be used to disseminate information for the Holland Education Association.
On Friday, November 11, 2005, the Holland Teachers unanimously voted in support of the following motion...
See the add here.
Posted by
Holland Education Association
5:22 PM
The contract contains a letter of agreement regarding spring activities. It states that the District can substitute one after school activity in place of a staff meeting. The letter also states that the District must notify teachers of these dates by March 1. The District failed to meet the March 1 deadline and therefore, all spring activities that occur outside of the teacher work day are voluntary.
Since our 2002/03 contract, Tulip Time participation has been voluntary.
The contract states:
Tulip Time: Teachers attending Tulip Time activities may leave work without loss of pay or deduction from sick leave by signing out of the building in the principal’s office. It is understood that this release is for the purpose of attending Tulip TIme activities for the remainder of the school day and is not to be used for other purposes. Those not attending shall work in their buildings.
For the half days of Tulip Time, choose to do what is best for you. Choose to march, sign out and attend the activities, or stay in your room and work.
Posted by
Holland Education Association
8:08 PM
Last night the HEA bargaining team met with the Board’s team and the state mediator for apx. 45 minutes at a full table session.
The Board gave the HEA a new proposal. When asked for the cost of the proposal the Board’s team admittedly did not know the cost and were not able to provide it.
According to the mediator, the board acknowledges substantial savings for the next two years but they are not interested in earmarking a portion of it in order to settle a fair contract with their teachers.
The Board also proposed major changes to the traditional school day and year. They indicated that if the HEA doesn’t agree with these substantial changes in your working conditions by June, the Board may impose these changes prior to the newly elected school board members taking over in July.
It is very clear that the Board’s team cares very little about reaching any agreements with the HEA and intends to continue to impose their will with the expectation that we will do nothing about it.
Two more bargaining dates are set for May 16 and June 27.
Posted by
Holland Education Association
9:40 PM