Sunday, May 11, 2008

Above and Beyond #1

Since it's creation in the fall of 2005, the HEA has been using this blog to share information with teachers and community members. Thank you for reading and being loyal subscribers. Today we would like to introduce a new piece called "Above and Beyond". This piece will focus on specific teachers or groups within the HEA family who are doing great things with students. Things that are above and beyond the requirements from the federal and state level. Great things are happening every day in Holland Public Schools. Great teachers make those things happen. Enjoy.

Please click here to read a letter to the editor about Mrs. Amy Johansen's first grade class at Holland Heights.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Learn why MESSA is unique, member focused and hassle free health insurance. Learn why so many Michigan teachers and their families value MESSA and consider it one of the best benefits to being a public educator.