Thursday, October 08, 2009

Our work isn't done yet!

Thank you teachers for all the work you have been doing to communicate with legislators on school funding and other important issues that impact K12 public education. Our work is not over yet. Please continue to contact your representative and tell them;

1. It's time to pass a K-12 budget for this year. We are a quarter through our fiscal school year with no budget passed. It is time to get this done for our schools.
2. Pass a budget that contains no reductions over last year's revenue.
3. Don't tie up this process with all sorts of unneeded and added amendments that only confound the problems our schools now face without an approved budget for the year.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

HEA helps sway House vote on K-12 cuts!

There’s no way to fully thank the lobbying efforts of HEA members. You had an impact!

However, our work isn’t over yet. We must continue the fight to make sure a budget that invests in students is passed as soon as possible.

Continue to contact your legislators from your home phones or cell phones after school because the calls are making a difference. Ask them to give us a balanced budget without cuts in school funding. Urge your elected leaders to oppose efforts to slash education funding, and instead support tax reforms and other means of raising revenue so we can invest in the schools that will prepare students for the jobs Michigan needs.

Also, HB 5345 is not dead. The Dillon Plan only creates big government. We have been able to keep our insurance costs down in Ottawa county by bargaining at the local level.

Dave Agema - 74th State House

Arlan Meekhof – 89th State House

Joseph Haveman – 90th State House

Senator Wayne Kuipers