Act NOW before it's too late!
Contact your state representative TODAY -- Urge NO vote on tenure, evaluation changes
Tenure and evaluation are coming under attack today in the state House of Representatives -- and we need your help to stop it.
A last-minute, lame-duck deal is in the works that would enact tenure and evaluation changes that were first proposed before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Learn more about what's happening -- then please contact your state representative IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to vote NO on HB 4410 and SB 638 (or any other bills during lame duck that change tenure or evaluation law). Point out to your representative that:
1) Evaluating and maintaining a professional teaching force is a complex matter. A two day "lame duck" session where late night deals are rammed through the Legislature is not the way to address these critical issues. That requires time, hearings, input from all sides and careful deliberation.
2) Right now, to get votes, all kinds of deals, earmarks and back-room enticements are being offered. This kind of "politics as usual" is not the way to secure and maintain the kind of professional teaching force our children deserve.
3) We believe that these bills will actually slow down the process of removing unsatisfactory teachers and also add substantially to the cost of the process, something that does not benefit the students, the schools, the state or educators.
Please contact your state representative right away -- there is still time to stop these attacks from coming to fruition.
Reminder: Many school districts have policies about communicating with legislators on school time and equipment, so wait until you are away from school to contact your legislators or use your personal cell phone when you are off duty.