The Holland School Board’s and the Holland Public Schools Central
Administration’s actions to illegally impose changes in the contract
with Holland Education Association demonstrates the ultimate disrespect
for Holland teachers. This action is in violation of the school
board’s legal responsibility to bargain in good faith with Holland
Education Association. Our elected school board members and the
district’s central administration have not provided the leadership
needed to meet future challenges facing our district. Based on these
facts I move the following motion:
“The membership of the Holland Education Association has NO CONFIDENCE
in the Holland Board of Education and the Holland Public School’s
Central Administration. Our elected leaders and central administration
are no longer able to provide the leadership necessary to enable
teachers in the Holland Public School district to meet the future needs
of the children of Holland Public Schools. The school board’s and
central administration’s actions have breached the long standing bond
of trust between teachers, the school board and the district’s