If you missed Monday night’s board meeting (January 16, 2006), you missed some great testimonials about the wonderful things your colleagues are doing everyday to make Holland Public Schools a tremendous place for students. Tammie Kamps, Lisa Voss, Cinda Yonker, Ken Ogle, Nancy Wessels, Jill Wallaker, and Patti Arndt shared personal stories about the wonderful things the professionals they work with do everyday. Patti Dixon also shared some valid concerns about insurance and administrative salaries. Thank you all for being willing to speak out on behalf of your peers and the issues that are important to us and our families. The board’s response was indifference. Some appeared to not be listening, and none offered a bit of thanks or appreciation.
The positive mood of the teachers’ sharing was soured by an attack on teachers by the wife of one of the board members. She accused teachers of threatening and intimidating her and her children. In addition, she claimed that parents are afraid to speak about current bargaining issues because teachers will exact revenge upon their children in the classroom. She used the board’s pulpit to turn, directly face, and insult the teachers in attendance and those who weren’t. She continually used “we,” when referring to the board’s actions and decisions as if she is on the board and speaks on their behalf.
At the end of the public comments section of the meeting, the board president asked other members of the board if there was need for clarification. NO board member spoke. NO board member denounced the attack upon the teachers. NO board member defended the teachers, AND NO board member attempted to distance themselves from the board’s new “spokesperson.” Apparently, the board condones these feelings and attitude. Check the MAC-TV schedule for a rebroadcast of Monday night’s meeting to see the board’s new “spokesperson” in action. If you don’t have access to MAC-TV, please contact Maria Yoder to borrow a video tape copy of the meeting.
HEA members are the heart and soul of Holland Public Schools. As professionals, WE deserve to be treated with respect at our work sites and at the bargaining table. We rely on your continued support.