Sunday, March 09, 2008

Really keeping you informed. (Part 2)

Even with the financial conditions that continue to impact Michigan's economy, there are some real positive changes that will help our area schools.

Did you know that there was 1.02% reduction in the MPSERS retirement contribution required by districts? This reduction generated 1.02% savings from Holland's previously anticipated total payroll costs.

Did you know that this rate is GOING DOWN EVEN MORE next year?

Did you know that MESSA rates remained either unchanged or lower than what Boards were "projecting" 2 years ago?

The money's not looking too bad for Holland.

Too often public schools get "lumped" into everyone else's financial realities by the media and others that want to paint a broad stroke relative to employer costs and ability to pay. To get the real scoop on how these revenue increases impact Holland, you need to rely on the analysis of the district audits and costs performed by your bargainers.

Don't forget that there is a general membership meeting on March 18. Contact your building AR for more details.