Above and Beyond #9
On April 1, the Holland High School staff truly went above and beyond by holding a luncheon for Megan Wilson's daughter Natasha. The luncheon raised $2,300 to help the Wilson family and Natasha's battle with Leukemia.
Natasha was diagnosed on October 10, 2008. In an email to staff, Megan wrote, "Thanks again to all the support my family has received. I do believe that my support system has gotten me though the tough times I have already faced. Natasha’s treatment has been going on for about 6 months now and has just less than two more years left. Today showed me my support system is much bigger than I ever knew. It makes me look at the next two years with an even bigger smile…take that cancer!"
You are very welcome Megan and Natasha and like you said, "Take that cancer!"