Sunday, March 21, 2010

A message from MEA's team at the Capitol

A message from MEA’s team at the Capitol:

Thank you for your calls and other efforts on the retirement legislation today -- thanks to your speedy action in contacting your state representatives, the House will not be taking up the shell bills this afternoon.

Because of our collective actions, we stopped the House from rushing to judgment on a bad idea that would impact thousands of our members across the state.

The fight is not done -- lawmakers will be back at it next week. You can stop the urgent calls on the shell bills, but please continue contacting all our leaders in Lansing -- the governor, your senator and your representative.

Keep telling them that the retirement proposal put forth in HB 5953 is wrong for our state because it forces dedicated school employees to retire before they’re ready while continuing to balance the budget on the backs of working families. Enough is enough! It’s time for real, balanced solutions to our decade-long budget crisis -- not more games and gimmicks.