Tell Lansing what you think of the attack on your retirement
Call your state senator and representative & the Governor today
On Jan. 29, Gov. Jennifer Granholm announced yet another attack on public workers, this time calling on school employees to pay even more out of pocket for retirement and pushing veteran teachers and other educators to retire before they're ready. This "reform" is really just another gimmick that won't actually fix the state's antiquated tax structure and broken school funding system.
Her proposals were finally introduced as legislation last week. Now is the time to make sure your state senator and representative, as well as the governor, know your feelings on this latest scheme to balance the budget on your back.
Take a moment to pick up your cell or home phone or send an e-mail Share your thoughts -- here are some ideas to start with:
- Withdraw this most recent attack on half a million Michigan public employees and their families.
- It's wrong to put a special tax on public employees -- taking 3 percent out of their checks to run government is the definition of a tax.
- It's wrong to force people to choose between early retirement and losing benefits they've counted on.
- Reject the flawed concept that continuing to take from public employees will fix our broken tax structure.
- Show real leadership and call for implementing a balanced solution that doesn't ignore the need for more revenue.
Take time to make this important contact -- now is the time for every HEA member to stand together and tell our leaders in Lansing that it's time for real solutions, not more games and gimmicks.