Crisis Team Update 9/8/05
Your HEA Crisis Team is mobilized and has met on a number of occasions to plan activities which support the efforts of our bargaining team. Please mark your calendars with the following events:
There will be a Coffee Klatch Training at 4:00 pm at the Holland Teachers’ Crisis Center. We need your help in spreading the truth about bargaining to members of our community. If you can attend this training please do so. This is a very positive way to address our community.
There will be a Coffee Klatch Training at 4:00 pm at the Holland Teachers’ Crisis Center. We need your help in spreading the truth about bargaining to members of our community. If you can attend this training please do so. This is a very positive way to address our community.
September 22: Open house at the Holland Teacher’s Crisis Center located in the Maplewood Arcade at 788 Columbia (we ask that you park in the back of the building and enter through the back door). Please stop by after school and check out our new “digs”, have a few refreshments and rub elbows with members of the Crisis Team. Free gifts for all members!
Data Cards: If you have not yet filled out a data card, PLEASE get one from any building AR. We need EVERYONE’S data! The return them to Rick Slachta at the high school.
Ribbons: Remember to wear your bright green ribbons everyday. They send a subtle yet powerful message. If you need one, contact Donna Wehrmeyer at Jefferson.