Holland Education Crisis News
For the next two weeks we will be involved in some important activities. Your attendance and participation is critical. Please find below a list of important dates to put on your calendar.
Coffee Klatch Meeting
September 26 4:00 pm
The “Coffee Klatch” training is designed to give us the skills to dialogue with community members. Coffee Klatches have been proven to be the most effective means of communicating to our community. The way we deliver our message will determine the level of support we can garner within the Holland community. RSVP to your Building AR by Thursday, September 22
Location: HEA Crisis Center - 788 Columbia
General Membership Meeting
September 27 7:00 pm
Your attendance at this meeting is IMPORTANT! We will have MEA’s attorney, MEA staff, and a MESSA representative at this meeting to answer your questions. We will give you the latest on where HEA is in the bargaining process and what to expect next.
Location: Holland High Auditorium
Washington School Rally
September 28 5:30 pm
We are planning a big “send off” to our bargaining team. This rally will take place before the last bargaining session of the month. Surrounding area locals have been invited to help. Please show your support!
Location: Washington Administration Building
General Membership Meeting
September 29 6:00 a.m.
Very Important!!!
Location: TBD
Please plan to attend!!