Holland Public Fast Facts #3
What does the Holland School Board’s proposal detailed in the August 5, 2005, letter to Holland teachers really mean?
Consider these facts:
- A teacher that requires health insurance would have $2,388 deducted from their pay in 2005-2006.
- This equals a 7.2% salary reduction for a 1st year teacher.
- It also equals a 3.7% salary reduction for a veteran teacher with a Master Degree plus.
- A teacher that requires health insurance would have $5,153 deducted from their pay.
- This equals a 15.5% salary reduction for a 1st year teacher.
- It also equals an 8% salary reduction for a veteran teacher with a Master’s Degree plus.
The teachers have shown the district how to settle the 2005-06 contract without spending any of the District’s surpluses!
The school board can afford our proposal. They don’t need salary rollbacks to inflate their annual profits (surpluses.)